ChatGPT and Artificial Intelligence(AI) in Optimizing Workplace Efficiency and HR Compliance

ChatGPT and Artificial Intelligence(AI) in Optimizing Workplace Efficiency and HR Compliance


In today's digital age, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming the way we work and
communicate. Artificial Intelligence–especially ChatGPT is here to stay. ChatGPT is an example of a
powerful AI tool that can help businesses streamline operations and enhance productivity. You can
either fight against it or use it to make your life easier. However, there are also legal and ethical
considerations to keep in mind when implementing ChatGPT in the workplace. This webinar will
provide some tips and tricks and address some of the legal issues surrounding ChatGPT at the office.

Areas Covered in this Training

-An overview of ChatGPT & How does it work?
-Tips and tricks for leveraging ChatGPT to improve productivity and efficiency in the
-Cautions, Biases & Incorrect information – How to tackle these
-Common legal issues that can arise when using ChatGPT, including data privacy, intellectual
property, and liability concerns
-Write job descriptions
-How it can help to summarize complex documents.
-ChatGPT for neurodivergent people.
-Can ChatGPT be Personal assistants?
-What are the Security risks
-Don’t substitute it for legal advice - Strategies for mitigating legal risks
-Helps you be more creative – is it so?
-How to ensure that ChatGPT is used responsibly and ethically in the workplace.
-Best practices for ensuring compliance with legal and ethical guidelines when using ChatGPT

Why Attend this Training

In this training, you’ll receive an overview of how to best to use ChatGPT to help your HR team
perform their best. The question - is it like having a free assistant – will bw answered. And if so,
you’ll also learn how to use it.
By the end of this webinar, attendees will have a better understanding of how ChatGPT can be used
to enhance productivity and compliance in the workplace, as well as the legal and ethical
considerations that must be taken into account when implementing this powerful AI tool. Attendees
will also be equipped with practical strategies for mitigating legal risks and ensuring that ChatGPT is
used responsibly and ethically in their organizations.

Suggested Attendees

-Business Owners
-Human Resources professionals
-HR Managers & Supervisors
-Managers & Supervisors
-Project Managers
-Team Leaders
-Compliance professionals
-Operations professionals

Suzanne Lucas

Suzanne Lucas

Suzanne Lucas spent 10 years in corporate HR where she hired, fired, managed the numbers, and double- checked with the lawyers. She left the corporate world to advise people and companies on how to have the best Human Resources departments possible.

Suzanne integrates best practices with innovative ideas and humour, including using improve comedy as a tool for leadership development.


Suzanne’s writings have been published at CBS News, Inc. Magazine, Reader’s Digest, and many other sites. She’s been named a top influencer in HR. You can read her archives at or check out her Tedx Talk: Forget Talent and Get to Work.

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ChatGPT and Artificial Intelligence(AI) in Optimizing Workplace Efficiency and  HR Compliance

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